Telecommunication Technologies
Enryption Technology
ODIN provide seamless encryption integration based on the needs of your organizations. The Mobile security platform will reside in cloud and on premise. Whatever your decision is ODIN makes sure the communications are secured from the hackers.
ODINs mobile security platform integrations allows the client to control their data and managing their risks through the integration of secure support infrastructure configured to serve the requirements of the client.
ODIN can integrate the mobile security platform in any physical location of your Project requirements.
ODIN can integrate
Secure communication platforms at the client premises or site
Software infrastructure configuration
Deploying Security voice communication across the network
Deployment instructions in order to connect to the security systems
Deployment of secure data gateway to cover databased communication across multiple networks
​ODIN can integrate the mobile security platform in any physical location of your Project requirements.
ODIN can integrate
Deployment of secure data gateway to cover databased communication across multiple networks
Deployment instructions in order to connect to the security systems
Deploying Security voice communication across the network
Software infrastructure configuration
Secure communication platforms at the client premises or site
ODIN Integrates Google mobile devices with secure mobile platform for conducting voice calls and chats that stays private, including encrypted chats and voice calls for safe communications and data exchange.
The features includes
Secure calls and messages
PBX Telephony integration
Metadata encryption
Group chats up to 12 contacts
Self destructing messages
Hashed personal data